What to Know / FAQ

Here is where you can find the answers to your questions about legal cannabis businesses, personal cannabis use, and becoming a legal cannabis business.
- What to Know About Legal Cannabis Retailers
- General Information About Personal Cannabis Use
- Becoming a Cannabis Retailer in Moreno Valley
Becoming a Cannabis Retailer in Moreno Valley
Select a question to see the answer.
Can I sell cannabis in the City?
You may only sell cannabis or engage in any other form of Commercial Cannabis Activity if you obtain a permit from the state and from the city.
Persons engaged in unlicensed commercial cannabis activity may be subject to civil and criminal enforcement actions.
What is commercial cannabis activity?
“Commercial Cannabis Activity” includes the cultivation, possession, manufacture, distribution, processing, storing, laboratory testing, packaging, labeling, transportation, delivery or sale of cannabis and cannabis products.
Are there any public health resources about cannabis in California?
Yes. The California Department of Public Health has established and launched “Let’s Talk Cannabis” a public information campaign to increase awareness about cannabis and its impacts on health.
Where do I submit a code violation about cannabis businesses in the City?
You can submit code violations and concerns about a cannabis business to the City’s Code Enforcement Department. Report a Code Violation.
Do I need a permit to sell CBD oil in the City?
CBD oil derived from cannabis, as defined in California Business and Professional Code Sec 26001, may only be manufactured, distributed or sold by a person with a permit from the State and from the City.
The City does not regulate the sale of CBD oil derived from industrial hemp, as defined in Section 11018.5 of the California Health and Safety Code, and no cannabis-specific City permit is required to sell it. Federal and state law may prohibit the sale of some or all forms of CBD oil derived from industrial hemp, but the City cannot advise businesses on whether they are in compliance with those laws.
Please refer to the CDPH for more information about CBD oil from industrial hemp.
How do I file a Public Records Request with the City? With other agencies?
Those seeking public records may submit a request to the City Clerk. Please try to identify the records you seek with as much specificity as possible.
You may also be able to find certain public records and licensee information on the Bureau of Cannabis Control’s website, the Department of Food & Agriculture’s website, and the Department of Public Health’s website.
Please keep in mind that some records are exempt from disclosure under the California Public Records Act.
Which State of California agencies issue licenses for cannabis businesses?
The Bureau of Cannabis Control (BCC) is responsible for licensing retailers, distributors, testing labs and microbusinesses.
The Manufactured Cannabis Safety Branch, a division of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), is responsible for licensing the manufacturers of manufactured cannabis products.
CalCannabis Cultivation Licensing, a division of the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), is responsible for licensing cultivators of cannabis.
Can I operate a cannabis business with only a state or City license?
No. A person must obtain a license/permit from the both the state and the City before operating a cannabis business.
Where can I find the cannabis application?
Applications for cannabis-related businesses can be found here.
How many permits will the City be issuing?
On December 6, 2022, the Moreno Valley City Council approved Resolution No. 2022-74 establishing the maximum number of commercial cannabis regulatory permits allowed.
CCRP Type # of permits Cannabis Dispensaries (Retail/Store Fronts) 25 Cannabis Testing 0 Cannabis Cultivation 4 Cannabis Manufacturing 1 Cannabis Distribution Centers 2 Cannabis Microbusinesses 7 Total 39 -
What type of cannabis businesses licenses are offered?
The City is offering permits for both adult recreational use and commercial medical for retail, testing, cultivation, microbusiness, distribution, and manufacturing.
Does Moreno Valley allow consumption lounges?
Is there a public cannabis zoning map?
Yes. You can review the permitted uses for the city’s zones in the on-line zoning code
You can also use the interactive zone map or see the development standards for cannabis related businesses in the online zoning code section 9.09.290. The zoning code includes distance to other cannabis-related sensitive uses. -
Where can permitted cannabis businesses be located in the City?
The City’s Zoning Code specifies the zoning restrictions for each type of Commercial Cannabis Activity as well as the sensitive use and location restrictions that apply to each type of Commercial Cannabis Activity.
Will the City tell me if my business complies with all location restrictions before I apply?
Currently, the City does not provide location compliance verification for potential business locations before the submission of an application.
Please refer to the City’s Zoning Code for the zoning restrictions for each type of Commercial Cannabis Activity as well as the sensitive use and location restrictions that may also apply.
How is cannabis taxed?
The State of California imposes an excise tax on the purchase of medical and “Adult-Use” cannabis. Cultivators will also have to pay a tax on dry flowers and dry leaves.
The City currently imposes the following cannabis activity tax (Measure M) on permitted cannabis businesses:
- Up to 8% gross receipts from Adult-Use Sales and Medical Sales and 1% gross receipts for testing facilities
- Up to $15 per square foot of cultivation area
Where do I submit my application for a City license?
Applications are filed at City Hall at the Cashiers desk on the first floor.
How do I find out the status of my application?
The Financial Management & Services department will notify you by email, mail or other means when it has an update regarding your application.
Is there a fee to apply for a City permit?
All applicants are required to submit a deposit of $89,463, which may be held on deposit for up to one year.
Deposit account will be charged for City fees, staff time and the Consultant’s time for reviewing applications and administrating the application process as shown in the table below. Applicants are advised that they may be required to pay additional amounts as required for the City’s completion of the application review process. Additional details can be found in the fee section of the Application Procedures.
Deposit of the $89,463 must be made by a certified check, cashier’s check or money order made payable to the City of Moreno Valley. Please note, the City will not accept cash or credit cards and application fees are non-refundable however, any remaining balance not used from the deposit resulting in the Applicant not participating in any phase of the process will be returned to the Applicant as defined in the Application Procedures.
Application Fee $ 9,551 Interview Fee $ 1,556 Annual Permit Fee $ 58,356 Annual Community Benefit Fee $ 20,000 Please note that Conditional Use Permit, plan check, inspection fees and other departmental fees are not included in this amount. A complete list of fees related to cannabis related business and activities can be found in the City’s Comprehensive Fees Schedule.
Is the application fee refunded if the business is denied a license?
How do I withdraw an application?
Send an email to cannabispermit@moval.org directing the City to withdrawal your application.
How can an applicant demonstrate compliance with CEQA?
To demonstrate compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), refer to one of the following:
These resources provide direction on the CEQA requirements for each type of Commercial Cannabis Activity.