What to Know About Personal Cannabis Use

Following are the properties of legal cannabis retailers.
What does cannabis being “legal” mean?
Under California law, adults 21 or older can buy, consume, possess, and grow cannabis up to the limits set by state law. If you are 21 or older, you can buy and possess up to one ounce (28.5 grams) of cannabis and up to 8 grams of concentrated cannabis. You can also plant, harvest, dry, and process up to 6 cannabis plants in your private residence or on the grounds of your residence. If you are 18 or older and have a current qualifying physician’s recommendation, a valid county-issued medical marijuana identification card, or are a Primary Caregiver as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 11362.7(d), you can possess up to 8 ounces of dried cannabis and up to 6 mature or 12 immature cannabis plants, unless the physician’s recommendation specifies a higher amount. The legality of cannabis does NOT mean that you may engage in any cannabis business without the proper city and state permits.
The cultivation, possession, sale and use of cannabis in California may remain unlawful under federal law.
May I consume cannabis in public?
No. It is illegal to use, smoke, eat or vape cannabis in public places or within 600 feet of a school, day care center or youth center while children are present. It is also unlawful to smoke cannabis in places where it is illegal to smoke tobacco.
Cannabis may be consumed in a private residence, unless otherwise prohibited by law. Property owners may ban the use and possession of cannabis on their privately-owned properties.
Is cannabis still illegal under federal law?
Yes. Cannabis remains a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act, meaning it is illegal under federal law to possess, use, manufacture, distribute or sell cannabis.
Can I consume cannabis while driving a vehicle? Are there “open container” cannabis laws?
It is unlawful for a person to consume cannabis while driving. It is also unlawful for a person who is under the influence of cannabis to operate a vehicle.
It is unlawful for a person to possess “open containers” of cannabis -- any receptacle containing any cannabis or cannabis products, which has been opened or has a seal broken, or loose cannabis flower not in a container -- while driving, unless placed in the trunk of the vehicle.
How will law enforcement determine if a driver is under the influence of cannabis?
Currently, law enforcement may conduct a sobriety test on persons suspected of driving under the influence.
The State of California is establishing an Impaired Driving Taskforce to develop policies that will address the issue of impaired driving under the influence of cannabis and shall examine the use of technology to identify drivers under the influence of cannabis.
Can I travel outside of California with cannabis?
No. It is unlawful for a person to transport cannabis across state lines, even when traveling to another state where cannabis is legal.
Where can I buy legal cannabis in the City?
You may purchase cannabis from one of the City’s permitted cannabis retailers.