Public Works Department

The Mission of the Public Works Department is to manage and maximize Moreno Valley’s public infrastructure investment to enhance the quality of life today, while striving to develop and implement innovative solutions for tomorrow.
The services include land development, street and median maintenance, transportation, traffic signals, tree trimming, capital project engineering, signing and striping, drainage, storm water, bridges, and graffiti removal.
So, when you drive down the street, walk on a sidewalk, or ride your bicycle in a bike lane, you're enjoying the services provided by the Public Works Department.
Contact Public Works
Call 951.413.3100 for general Public Works Information.
The Public Works Department has six divisions.
This division maintains the City's streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, residential trees and more.
This division assesses neighborhood and regional traffic concerns and implements corrective measures.
The Moreno Valley Public Utility (MVU) provides electric service for a growing portion of the City.
This division provides engineering services to developers, business owners, and residents.
Fleet & Facilities Maintenance
This division provides internal fleet and facilities services for City owned resources