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Division: Traffic

Traffic Unit

The Traffic Unit provides traffic enforcement, accident investigation and reconstruction and traffic control. This unit also works special City events to prevent traffic-related problems and has received state and national recognition for its traffic programs.

The Traffic Team is always looking for new ways to keep our roadways safe for the motoring public. We focus our efforts Some of these programs include:

  • School Zone Enforcement
  • Traffic Complaint Program
  • Pedestrian Decoy Operation (Santa in Crosswalk)
  • Radar Trailer / Speed Program
  • School Presentations on the use of Bicycle Helmets, Pedestrian Safety
  • Drinking and Driving, etc.
  • "Click It or Ticket" Campaign (Seat Belt Enforcement)
  • DUI / Driver License Checkpoints
  • Saturation Patrols
  • DUI Warrant Sweeps