News Release
Community Invited to Moreno Valley's Snow Day and Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony
For immediate release: December 2, 2021

The City of Moreno Valley is inviting the community to kick off the holiday season at the annual Snow Day and Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony on Saturday, December 4.
"The holiday season is my favorite time of the year," said Dr. Yxstian Gutierrez, Mayor of Moreno Valley. "Our annual holiday events are among the best in the Inland Empire, and I can't wait to usher in the season during our amazing Snow Day and Tree Lighting Ceremony."
The Snow Day celebration will take place at the Civic Center Amphitheater, located at 14075 Frederick Street, from 9 am to 4:45 pm. The Amphitheater will be transformed into a beautiful winter wonderland, with real snow for kids to enjoy. Wristbands are $5 for Moreno Valley residents and $8 for non-residents, and can be purchased on the day of the event.
Afterward, the City will be lighting a massive, 30-foot-tall tree during the Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony at 5:45 pm in front of City Hall. This free event will feature performances from the Canyon Springs High School Madrigals, free hot cocoa and cookies, and a special appearance from Santa Claus himself.
For more information, visit the Moreno Valley Parks and Community Services website at
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La Comunidad está Invitada al Día de la Nieve y la Ceremonia de Iluminación del Árbol Navideño de Moreno Valley
La Ciudad de Moreno Valley está invitando a la comunidad a comenzar la temporada navideña con la Ceremonia anual de Iluminación del Árbol Navideño y el Día de la Nieve este sábado 4 de diciembre.
"La temporada navideña es mi época favorita del año", dijo el Dr. Yxstian Gutiérrez, Alcalde de Moreno Valley. "Nuestros eventos festivos anuales se encuentran entre los mejores del Inland Empire, y no puedo esperar para iniciar la temporada durante nuestro increíble Día de la Nieve y Ceremonia de Iluminación del Árbol".
La celebración del Día de la Nieve se llevará a cabo en el Anfiteatro del Civic Center, ubicado en 14075 Frederick Street, de 9 am a 4:45 pm. El anfiteatro se transformará en un hermoso paraíso invernal, con nieve real para que disfruten los niños. Las pulseras cuestan $ 5 para los residentes de Moreno Valley y
$ 8 para los que no son residentes. Las pulseras se pueden comprar el día del evento.
Luego, la Ciudad encenderá un enorme árbol de 30 pies de altura durante la Ceremonia de Iluminación del Árbol Navideño a las 5:45 pm en frente del Ayuntamiento. Este evento gratis contará con actuaciones de los Madrigals de Canyon Springs High School, chocolate caliente y galletas gratis, y una aparición especial de Santa Claus.
Para más información, visite el sitio web de Parques y Servicios Comunitarios de Moreno Valley en
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Upon request, this news release will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with disabilities, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Any person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in this meeting should direct such requests to Guy Pegan, ADA Coordinator, at 951.413.3120 at least 72 hours before the meeting. The 72-hour notification will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.