News Release
Moreno Valley's Iconic "M" to Honor Heroic Health Care Workers
Will be Lit Blue and White for Two Evenings
For immediate release: March 26 2020

As a sign of the gratitude and admiration felt by residents of Moreno Valley for health care workers on the front line of the battle to contain the spread of coronavirus and treat those infected, the City will light its iconic "M" on Box Springs Mountain in blue and white for consecutive evenings this weekend.
"It's a heartfelt token of our esteem for the dedicated professionals doing their very best in an unprecedented situation to protect our community," explained Dr. Yxstian Gutierrez, Mayor of Moreno Valley. "We know this crisis will get worse before it gets better, so while there's time now we want our brave health care workers to know that we deeply appreciate them."
The "M" will be lighted blue for six seconds, then white for six seconds repeatedly this Saturday and Sunday from dusk to midnight. The six-second lightings are intended to serve as a reminder of how residents can continue to support the virus-containment effort by maintaining a six-foot social distance.
La Icónica "M" de Moreno Valley Para Honrar
a los Heroicos Trabajadores
de la Salud
Estará iluminada en azul y blanco por dos noches
Como muestra de la gratitud y admiración que sienten los residentes de Moreno Valley por los trabajadores de la salud en la primera línea de la batalla para contener la propagación del coronavirus y tratar a los infectados, la ciudad encenderá su icónica "M" en la montaña Box Springs en azul y blanco durante noches consecutivas este fin de semana.
"Es una muestra sincera de nuestra estima por los profesionales dedicados que hacen todo lo posible en una situación sin precedentes para proteger a nuestra comunidad", explicó el Dr. Yxstian Gutiérrez, Alcalde de Moreno Valley. "Sabemos que esta crisis empeorará antes de que mejore, así que, mientras tengamos tiempo, queremos que nuestros valientes trabajadores de la salud sepan que los apreciamos profundamente".
La "M" se iluminará en azul durante seis segundos, luego en blanco durante seis segundos repetidamente este sábado y domingo desde el anochecer hasta la medianoche. Las luces de seis segundos pretenden servir como un recordatorio de cómo los residentes pueden continuar apoyando el esfuerzo de contención de virus al mantener una distancia social de seis pies.
Upon request, this news release will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with disabilities, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Any person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in this meeting should direct such requests to Guy Pegan, ADA Coordinator, at 951.413.3120 at least 72 hours before the meeting. The 72-hour notification will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.