News Release
City Hosts Free Mulch Give Away Event
Part of the City's "Keep Moreno Valley Beautiful" Campaign
For immediate release: March 9, 2020

Moreno Valley residents can help “Keep Moreno Valley Beautiful” by participating in a Free Mulch Give Away event on Saturday, March 14, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Moreno Valley City Yard, located at 15670 Perris Blvd.
The City will provide one free backhoe scoop of mulch per resident, per visit, while supplies last. Please bring a tarp to cover your load. Passenger cars and vans must bring containers or bags. Tools and on-site supervision will be provided during the event. Free mulch is available only for Moreno Valley residents.
Benefits of applying mulch include reducing erosion, controlling weeds and increasing water retention and soil vitality.
“Keep Moreno Valley Beautiful is a community partnership of residents and their City government to make MoVal even more pleasing to the eye,” said Dr. Yxstian Gutierrez, Mayor of Moreno Valley. “Applying City-provided mulch to gardens as we enter spring is an easy and sustainable way homeowners can take part.”
The City of Moreno Valley embarked on the Keep Moreno Valley Beautiful program to encourage residents to take an active role in the City’s beautification efforts. The Keep Moreno Valley Beautiful mission is to build partnerships that inspire community engagement and the development of beautification programs that enhance the quality of life and civic pride in the City of Moreno Valley.
For more information, please email or call 951-413-3109.
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