News Release
Moreno Valley to Host 2020 Census Education and Job Recruitment
Census Workers Needed to Help Get an Accurate Count
For immediate release: January 15, 2020

The 2020 federal Census gets underway April 1, but there's still a lot of work to do both in preparation and during the month-long event. Moreno Valley residents are invited to to attend a special Census hiring and education event from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Feb. 1, at the City's Conference & Recreation Center next to City Hall at Alessandro and Frederick. Food andrefreshments will be available.
You'll learn why it's so important for everyone to take part in the Census, regardless of immigration status. And you'll also be able to apply for local, temporary Census work. The event is co-sponsored by State Sen. Richard D. Roth, NALEO Educational Fund and Family Service Association.
"Many people without legal immigration status fear that taking part in the Census will make it harder for them to stay in the United States," noted Dr. Yxstian Gutierrez, Mayor of Moreno Valley. "We want them to know that there are no questions on the Census about citizenship or immigration status, and that Census workers are sworn to secrecy for life to protect people's private information."
The Mayor emphasized that Census figures help determine the amount of federal aid that could come to the region over the next 10 years, and that it could change the number of U.S. representatives California will have in Congress.
The Census Bureau expects to hire as many as 500,000 temporary Census workers across the country, including here in Riverside County, where job pay ranges from $16.50 to $17 per hour. The 2020 Census takes place in the month of April.
2020 Census Education & Job Recruitment
Saturday, Feb. 1, 10 a.m. - noon
Recreation Center
14075 Frederick St.
See a map
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