News Release
Mayor Reveals Remarkable Statistic at Annual State of the City Address
For immediate release: August 22,2019

If it seems like the Moreno Valley economy is humming these days, it's not your imagination. As Dr. Yxstian Gutierrez, Mayor of Moreno Valley, revealed in his annual State of the City address today (August 22), 20,000 new jobs have been created here in just the past six years, and MoVal's employment rate stands at an amazing 96 percent.
"These are 20,000 opportunities for residents to escape hours of stop-and-go freeway traffic commuting to work," Mayor Gutierrez said. "By working close to home, they get to spend all the time and money they save enjoying the lives and families and community they’ve created here in Moreno Valley."
Gutierrez added that Moreno Valley continues to be an attractive location for business investors. He noted that, in the past year, developers have chosen to invest more than $400 million in new Moreno Valley business and construction projects. And applications for business licenses increased by eight percent. Moreno Valley is now home to roughly 4,500 businesses.
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