News Release
Cats Rescued from Hoarder Ready for Adoption
For immediate release: July 30,2019

After enduring weeks and even months of neglect in the home of a suspected cat hoarder, 16 cats and kittens rescued from their captor earlier this month are finally healthy again and ready for adoption.
"These cats and kittens were denied the care and love they deserve, and it's time they found responsible and gentle human companions," said Moreno Valley Animal Shelter Director Steve Fries. "We're hoping the public steps forward to finally end their long ordeal."
Fries explained that of the 33 remaining cats and kittens who survived their captivity with the suspected hoarder, 17 have been determined to be unsuited for adoption by families due to their feral state and would fare better at a cat rescue facility where they can be cared for without the expectation that they warm to humans.
"Our Animal Shelter employees and volunteers have done a wonderful job of nursing these cats and kittens back to health," said Mayor Yxstian A. Gutierrez. "They've provided the love and gentle care that allowed these beautiful felines a second chance at life."
The Animal Shelter makes it inexpensive and easy to adopt cats and kittens with frequent adoption events offering discounts on fees. Whiskers Wednesdays, which ends this week, and Feline Adoption Frenzy next month, offer adoption, neuter/spay surgery and a HomeAgain microchip all for just $15.
Learn more online or by calling the Animal Shelter at 951-413-3790.
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