News Release
City Offers MoVal College Students Stipends to Stay in School
For immediate release: June 6,2019

The City of Moreno Valley is partnering with Moreno Valley College to offer students a monthly stipend to help them stay in school. Starting this fall, “MoVaLEARNS – Mayor’s Challenge” will provide Moreno Valley College Career and Technical Education (CTE) students in good standing a $250-a-month stipend for eight months – a total of $2,000 for the school year.
“Moreno Valley students are the key to our future economic success,” said Mayor Yxstian A. Gutierrez. “MoVaLEARNS - Mayor's Challenge will give students the support they need to make a difference in their lives and our community.”
The Mayor noted that $250 extra income a month could easily be what makes it possible for a student to stay in school and get the training they need.
The City and College developed the monthly stipend program with the help of a 2018 grant from Bloomberg Philanthropies, which provided initial funding to test and fine tune a solution to one of the City’s major challenges.
The team identified “Earn vs. Learn,” the choice many students are forced to make between staying in school or finding a low-wage job, as a citywide problem and designed the MoVal Learns program to increase college completion rates.
Students interested in applying for the stipend provided by MoVaLEARNS should email to join the interest list or contact the City’s Economic Development Department at 951-413-.3460
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