News Release
City of Moreno Valley to Host Annual Memorial Day Ceremony
For immediate release: May 17, 2019

The City of Moreno Valley will honor the memory of the American Service Members who gave their lives while serving their country during the City's 12th Annual Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 27, 2019.
Mayor Yxstian Gutierrez will preside over the Ceremony honoring America’s greatest heroes. The Ceremony will take place at the Veterans Memorial near City Hall at 14177 Frederick Street at 9:00 a.m.
Colonel Carrie Colas, 163d Attack Wing Vice Commander, March Air Reserve Base, will deliver the keynote address. Colonel Colas is one of the Air Force's top female leaders and oversees the MQ9 Reaper missions for the Air Force at March Air Reserve Base.
This hour-long Memorial Day Ceremony will also feature appearances by:
- Mayor Pro Tem Victoria Baca
- Council Member Carla J. Thornton
- Council Member David Marquez
- Council Member Ulises Cabrera
- The Blue Eagles Total Force Honor Guard
- The Rancho Verde High School Chamber Choir
- Student Speaker Ayalah Smith of Vista Heights Middle School
- The Knights of Columbus
- and many more
The City of Moreno Valley will also recognize the Moreno Valley families whose Service Members have joined the Military Appreciation Banner and Paver program.
A reception featuring light refreshments will follow the Ceremony in the Moreno Valley Conference and Recreation Center Grand Ballroom. Artwork illustrating Moreno Valley student appreciation for America's heroes will be on display during the reception.
For additional details, please contact the City Council Office at (951) 413-3008, or visit the City of Moreno Valley events page.
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