News Release
City of Moreno Valley Announces the Business Emergency Resiliency Training Program
For immediate release: March 15, 2019

The City of Moreno Valley is proud to announce the Business Emergency Resiliency Training (BERT) Program. BERT is the first comprehensive series in Riverside County designed to train and educate business owners and employees on the importance of planning before disaster strikes.
“Ensuring that Moreno Valley businesses are prepared for disasters is essential for business survival, said Mayor Dr. Yxstian Gutierrez. “With the BERT program, our businesses will be better prepared and more resilient when disaster strikes.”
Building upon the success of the Community Emergency Response Team Training (CERT) for individuals and families, BERT will specifically address the needs of the business community. While natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods can have major impacts on their human victims, businesses across the country both large and small also suffer severe consequences from disasters.
According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), roughly 40-50% of businesses never reopen their doors following a disaster. Having a disaster plan and business continuity plan in place can drastically increase the likelihood that a business will recover and reopen their doors following a disaster. Many businesses do not have the time to plan, leaving themselves vulnerable to major damage and worse, closure.
The BERT series will consist of six (6) units. This comprehensive training series includes disaster operations, emergency response, employee preparedness, fire safety, continuity of business planning and safety awareness. Each unit can also be taken as a stand-alone course.
Moreno Valley Businesses that complete all six (6) units will be presented with a certificate of completion as well as an emergency kit. Each unit will be presented as part of Small Business Wednesdays at the Moreno Valley Employment Resource Center.
To view a complete list of Small Business workshops or to register, visit
For more information about the City of Moreno Valley’s growth or to learn more about developing a business in Moreno Valley, please visit or contact the Economic Development Department at or call 951.413.3460.
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