News Release
City Seeks Public Input for Nason Street Corridor Project
For immediate release: January 11, 2019

Nason Street Corridor Plan Community Workshop
Saturday, January 12
10 am–12 noon
City Hall Council Chamber
14177 Frederick Street
Moreno Valley
The City of Moreno Valley invites residents and business owners to a second community workshop for the Nason Street Corridor Phase II Study Area on Saturday, January 12, 2019.
The workshop will gather the public's input on four potential design alternatives for 60 acres of city-owned land located on the northwest corner of Nason Street and Alessandro Boulevard.
There are currently four design concepts being explored, including the “Main Street Connector” alternative, the “Large Central Park” alternative, the “Central Square” alternative, and the “Park Blocks” alternative.
These concepts, which were designed with previous input from the public, are intended to foster economic strength and growth while enhancing the quality of life for everyone.
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