Special Financing District Formation/Annexation

For Developers
Developers can review the Special District Financing Policy to see if the development project is eligible for district formation. A Special Financing District Application can be submitted to sdadmin@moval.org.
To satisfy a condition of approval, developers should email their PEN# and contact information to sdadmin@moval.org. To monitor your development project’s progress through the approval process or to obtain your PEN#, please visit the City’s online development portal at SimpliCITY.
- Is there a cost to conduct the mail ballot proceeding or annexation?
To initiate the ballot/annexation process, an administrative fee will be collected to cover the cost of preparing the required documents. The current fee can be found under the Special Districts section of the City Fee Table. - How much time do I need to complete this process?
To satisfy statutory requirements, the entire process can take 90 days, which includes City Council consideration of the ballot/annexation results. - How do I start the ballot or annexation process?
Contact the Special Districts Division at 951.413.3470 or sdadmin@moval.org. To help streamline the process, please include the development project’s PEN#, which can be obtained through SimpliCITY.
For Residents: Neighborhood Beautification
The City also has neighborhood beautification programs for established neighborhoods that want to use a special district to fund the cost of installing and maintaining the public landscaping around their neighborhood or to increase the frequency of existing public landscape maintenance.