Public Records

The City Clerk serves as the custodian of the City's records and is responsible for overseeing the City’s records management system.
The City’s records are stored both at City Hall in electronic and paper form, as well as at an off-site storage location, and are retained according to a records retention schedule, including some permanent records.
To access public records, click the Public Records Search button. Currently, Agendas, Council Reports, Resolutions, Ordinances, and Minutes are available online.
If you cannot find the records you need,use the Public Records Request button to submit a request.
About Public Records
The California Public Records Act (CPRA) ensures public access to most government records. Agencies must respond to requests within 10 days, with a possible 14-day extension. Certain records may be exempt from disclosure due to legal restrictions.
Public records can be viewed at City Hall free of charge. Copies of records are available for 10 cents per page. If the records are mailed, the requestor is responsible for the postage costs.
The City is not required to create new records, compile lists from existing records, or disclose records that are exempt by law.
Please note: Requests that are too broad (e.g., “all files related to...”) may cause delays as the records need to be identified more specifically.
Important: The City does not maintain police records. Contact the Riverside County Sheriff's Department.
Video Footage: The Custodian of Record for city video is the More Valley Police Department. All requests for video footage shouldl be made to MVP at 951.486.6700.
How to Use the Laserfiche Public Portal
The City uses the Laserfiche Public Portal to streamline electronic document retrieval, management, and distribution. You can browse, search, retrieve, and print City documents through the portal.
Two Ways to Find Documents
Browse Documents (Easiest Method)
- Open the Laserfiche Portal
- Look at the folder list on the left side
- Click any folder that interests you
- Double-click a document to open it
- Use the controls at the top to move between pages
Search for Documents
- Click the "Search" button in the top bar
- Type what you're looking for in the "Search for" field
- Click on any document in the results list to view it
- To return to your search results, click the red "X" button
Helpful Features
View Thumbnails
- Click the "Thumbnails" button to see small previews of each page
- This helps when looking through documents with many pages
- Note: Loading thumbnails may take extra time
Document Information
- Click the "Fields" button to see details about how the document was filed
Tips for Better Viewing
- Documents appear as exact images of the original papers
- Use the controls at the top of the page to:
- Move between pages
- Zoom in or out
- Print documents
- Download copies
Need Help?
Contact the City Clerk's Office:
Phone: 951.413.3001
Visit: 14177 Frederick St. Moreno Valley, CA 92553