Property Maintenance
The goal of the Code and Neighborhood Services Division is to eliminate blight, improve the appearance of business and residential areas and create a community where people can feel a sense of pride and well-being.
The City of Moreno Valley’s Municipal Codes, Ordinances and Zoning Codes are designed to protect the residential atmosphere of your neighborhood as well as prevent unsafe and unsightly use of property.
Some of the common property maintenance issues are: overgrown weeds/vegetation, lack of landscaping, unpainted exterior surfaces, broken windows, roofs in poor condition, and buildings that are abandoned, boarded up, partially destroyed or left for longer than a reasonable time in a state of partial construction.
If reporting a fire hazard (ex. such as overgrown vegetation) on a vacant lot please call the Fire Prevention Bureau at (951) 413-3381. To view more information about fire hazards visit the Fire Department website.