Your Front Yard Landscape
During the drought, Moreno Valley residents made great efforts to conserve water including reducing outdoor water usage. Now that the drought is officially over, residents can focus on maintaining a healthy and water friendly front yard landscape. Maintaining a healthy and attractive landscape is not only beneficial to the community’s overall image and pride, it also complies with the City’s Municipal Code (MVMC 6.04.040, 9.17).
The drought is over, but water conservation measures still remain in place. The City offers some resources and programs that will help to Green UP your yard, while keeping outdoor water usage to a minimum:
- Free over-the-counter front yard landscape plan review
- Access to free mulch/bark (subject to availability)
- New Habit for Humanity HOME Repair Program (effective January 2018)
- Landscaping Resources
GreenUp Tips
Do Use
- Native water-wise plants
- Mulch, bark & rocks
- Real Turf (max 25% in active areas)
- City Municipal Code for important landscape info
- City resources and programs
- Planting high-water consumption plants
- Brown/dead/dry lawns
- Neglecting yard maintenance: trim shrubbery
Post-Drought Information
Effective April 7, 2017
Unkempt yard/landscaping will now be subject to proactive enforcement. Examples include:
- Brown/dead/dry lawns
- Overgrown shrubbery and vegetation
Revised grace period from 180 days to 90 days for cases initiated on or after June 1, 2017:
- Case review after 90 day grace period
- Additional extensions considered for cause
Drought History
- 2014 – Governor declares drought
- 2015 – Governor signs order preventing citations for brown lawns
- 2017 – Governor declares drought over lifts watering restrictions
Last updated: February 21, 2024
Helpful Links
- CalScapes Native Plant Selection Tool
- Garden & Plant Information
- Lawn Alternative Plant List
- Reviving Drought Stressed Plants
- Riverside County Friendly Plant List
Water Conservation