FlowMeter Finder™

The SeaMetrics Flowmeter Finder™ can help narrow the field of flowmeter choices according to the requirements of your specific application. It is not intended to be exhaustive, but to get you started in the right direction. Note that not all meter types depicted are manufactured by SeaMetrics. Use the Flowmeter Finder™ as follows:

  1. Click on one of the links below to open up the Flowmeter Finder™ screen.
  2. To find the flowmeter needed for your application, answer the questions at the left of the screen. As you answer each question, the meters which no longer qualify for your application will disappear from the right.
  3. If none of the answers apply to a particular question, you may choose to skip that question. At any time you can use the left arrow or back button to go back to the previous question and choose a different answer.
  4. You can return to the beginning at any time and start again with a new set of variables. Do so by using the Start Over button (non-Flash users) or by closing the pop-up window (Flash users).
The Flowmeter Finder™ (Flash) The Flowmeter Finder™ (non-Flash)


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