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Q. I want to connect an SPT flow meter to my (controller, PLC, counter, data aquisition card....) How do I do it?
A. The SPT has a square-wave (on/off) signal. The frequency is proportional to the flow rate, and each on/off "pulse" is equal to a unit of liquid volume. The K-factor, or pulses per gallon, is marked on the meter. If your control can count, and is set capable of seeing a current-sinking input (most PLC's and counters are) you can go direct with no other electronics. If you can only receive analog inputs, you will need an AO55 transmitter to convert from the pulse signal to 4-20 mA. For more information, see the tech bulletin "Connecting SeaMetrics Flowmeters to Programmable Logic Controllers". Most of the information is also relevant to other controls.

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