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Q. Should I use an IP (insertion paddlewheel) or a TX (insertion turbine) meter?

Unless you are trying to measure down to fairly low flows, you can use the IP81 (paddlewheel), which is less expensive. The TX (turbine) is better near the bottom of the flow range, because a turbine drives with the entire rotor, not just half of it.

Q. How long can I expect the flowmeter to last?

Paddlewheels generally have a poor reputation for durability, since most manufacturers use plastic sleeves for bearings. We use an expensive combination of ruby bearings and nickel/tungsten carbide shaft. If it doesn’t get physically damaged by dropping or collision in the pipe, the one moving part (rotor) can go years without service. For example, we sold a rotor repair kit to a customer in 2000 who was servicing his IP for the first time since he put it in back in 1989.

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